Isle of Man
Anti Cancer Association

1959 - 2025

Generating funds for cancer research

Raising awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer

Supporting those affected by cancer

Help & Support

Support in the Isle of Man

A Cancer Diagnosis…

Being told that you have cancer can leave you feeling a variety of emotions – shocked, numb, frightened….

Your Consultant, Clinical Nurse Specialist and GP can explain more about your cancer diagnosis, and answer any questions you may have.

The Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service (in the main entrance of Noble’s Hospital) is a good place to get further information about your particular cancer type. They will provide support to anyone affected by cancer  –  if you are a relative, a friend or are a carer of someone with cancer, they are there to help you.

MCISS has been developed as a partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support and Noble’s Hospital and is based in the main reception area of Noble’s Hospital. This drop-in service is available Monday to Friday9am to 4.30pm.

You can call in for a brief visit to browse and select literature relating to cancer, or you can drop in and chat to one of their trained volunteers for as long as you need to. If you are unable to attend Noble’s Hospital, you can always give them a call on telephone number 650735.

There are also additional information drop-in services at the Henry Bloom Noble Library, Duke Street, Douglas and Castletown Civic Centre. The service provides an information stand to members of the general public, offering a range of cancer information, including hair loss, financial support, the emotional aspects of cancer, and also wider issues relating to health and wellbeing of those affected by cancer. In addition to the information stand, a Volunteer from the Noble’s Hospital Macmillan Cancer Information Centre will be present offering non-clinical verbal support and guidance relating to any of the booklets provided on the last Friday of each month in Douglas, between 11am and 2pm and on the last Wednesday of every month in Castletown between 10am and 1pm. 

Often there are loads of medical terms used when talking about cancer – if you don’t know what they mean, ask!

You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you receive when you are diagnosed…

Ask the health professionals looking after you to write down the key points in your IOM Cancer Patient Binder 2018. You can read this again after your appointment and it can help when talking to others about your diagnosis.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can lead to a rollercoaster of emotions. Use the support available to you – don’t feel you have to face this alone

Here are some practical tips to consider when talking about your cancer diagnosis:

  • Use the patient information pack to write down any questions you want to ask – this way you won’t forget anything important.
  • Bring a family member or friend along to your appointments. They can help with asking questions, providing support, and being an extra pair of ears to recall what was said.
  • If you don’t understand anything, ask your health professional to explain – don’t be embarrassed to ask!
  • Encourage your health professional to write down key information discussed for you to refer back to later.
  • Think about what matters most to you – share any concerns or worries with your healthcare team, then they will understand what is important to you.

Some people find it helps to write down their feelings about what is happening – you can use the patient diary in whatever way helps you best

Below are some common questions that are asked:

  • What does my diagnosis mean?
  • What happens next?
  • Will my cancer spread?
  • What tests and treatments will I have?
  • What choices will I have about my treatment?
  • Where will I have my treatment?
  • How long will treatment take?
  • How successful is the treatment likely to be?
  • Will I still be able to work?
  • Is there any support for my family?

Remember, your healthcare team may not know all the answers to your questions immediately.

Often, definite answers are not possible.  With cancer treatment, there is often a lot of uncertainty.

Sometimes you will not remember everything you want to ask.

Sometimes you will think of more questions after your appointment.

Don’t panic – you will get more than one chance to ask questions!

Use the support available from the team looking after you. You have the right to receive as much or as little information as you want – they are there to help you understand more about your cancer diagnosis and treatment options.

There are many organisations who support people affected by cancer (and their families/friends). You can find more information about the range of support available by contacting the Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service who can help guide you to sources of support.

Looking after yourself and those around you

A diagnosis of cancer can impact all aspects of your life – you may have concerns not only about your treatment, but also about money matters, work, relationships, and your feelings….

Sometimes during treatment, things can seem out of your control

Taking positive steps to help you to look after yourself can help you to feel more in control, and there are organisations that can help.

Feelings & Emotions

A cancer diagnosis can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions, and everyone responds differently to the ups and downs.

Some people find it helpful to talk to friends or family, or someone who has had a personal experience with cancer. Local support groups such as Manx Cancer Help ( Psycho-Oncology Service ) or Hospice Isle of Man are there to offer help and guidance. These organisations also offer support to those who are caring for you during your cancer treatment, including support for younger family members.

The Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service also has literature on dealing with the emotional impact of cancer.

There are people who can listen and support you so don’t think that you have to go through this alone

Emotional Support Out of Hours

If you need to talk to someone outside of office hours for emotional support, please contact:

  • Crisis Response and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) – 01624 642860
  • Samaritans – 116 123 Free to call, day or night, 365 days a year

Useful Contacts

Breast Cancer Now

Telephone: 07624 498864
Information and support to those affected by breast cancer.

For information regarding the breast screening programme please go to the website: in Mann

Telephone: 01624 628500
Volunteers who assist with transport for appointments and other practical matters.

Crossroads Caring for Carers (Isle of Man)

Unit B5/B6, Eden Business Park, Cooil Road, Braddan
Telephone: 01624 673103
Information and support for those who are caring for someone, including respite care.

Cruse Bereavement Care

Premier House, 1 Carrs Lane, Douglas IM4 4QB
Telephone: 01624 668191
Support to anyone affected by a bereavement.

Isle of Man Breast Care

Telephone: 07624 482662
Emotional and practical support to those affected by breast cancer, including a regular support group.

Hospice (Isle of Man)

Strang, Douglas, IM4 4RP
Telephone: 01624 647400
Specialist palliative care for anyone affected by cancer, supporting people from diagnosis through a range of services.

Look Ahead

℅ Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service
Telephone: 01624 650735
Support for anyone affected by hair loss due to chemotherapy treatment.

Look Good Feel Better

℅ Scholl Wellbeing Centre, Hospice Isle of Man
Telephone: 01624 647426
Skincare and hair loss workshops for those undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Lymphoedema Support Group & Clinic 

℅ Hospice Isle of Man
Telephone: 01624 647456 or 07624 281835
Support for those affected by lymphoedema.

Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service

Noble’s Hospital, Strang, Douglas, IM4 4RJ
Telephone: 01624 650735
Information and signposting for anyone with a question relating to cancer.

Naseem’s Manx Brain Tumour Charity


A Charity dedicated to helping everyone affected by brain tumours on the IOM.

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Isle of Man
Information and support for anyone affected by lung cancer

Patient Transfers

Department of Health & Social Care
Telephone: 01624 642673