Isle of Man
Anti Cancer Association

1959 - 2025

Generating funds for cancer research

Raising awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer

Supporting those affected by cancer

Marown & District Branch Coffee Morning raises an amazing £1,792!

Marown & District Branch held a Coffee Morning on 7th November at The Crosby Hotel. The event was dedicated to Julia North BEM, who sadly passed away in August. As a past chairman of the Branch, Julia did so much for our charity with such enthusiasm and she will indeed be sorely missed. In 2017 Lieutenant Governor, Sir Richard Gozney presented the British Empire Medal to Julia, for services to the Marown community – very well deserved!

The coffee morning was very well supported with standing room only at one point! There was a fantastic raffle and the cake stall sold out, raising  £1,792 in the process. Thank you to Angela and the team at The Crosby, all our raffle prize donators, cake bakers, suppliers of fabulous local produce, and everyone who helped make it such a success. Well done everyone!