Isle of Man
Anti Cancer Association

1959 - 2025

Generating funds for cancer research

Raising awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer

Supporting those affected by cancer


Staywell Clinic celebrates 60th Anniversary!

On 16th May, His Excellency and Lady Lorimer hosted a reception at Government House to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Staywell Clinic where Supporters of IOM ACA, Staywell staff and Volunteers past and present attended. It was a wonderful evening and the weather was… READ MORE

Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association AGM

The 64th AGM of the Association, held on the 9th April, was well attended and our Chairman, Malcolm Clague presented our disbursement plans for 2024 – a total spend of £329,250.00 both on and off Island! As there were no questions regarding the disbursements of… READ MORE

2024 Fundraising has got off to a great start….

Our Branches have done it again and have managed to raise a phenomenal £10,125.07 over the last 3 months. We are so grateful for all the hard work and dedication of our members and supporters. You are all Fantastic! Thank You!… READ MORE

Notice of IOM Anti Cancer Association AGM

We hereby give notice of the upcoming 64th Annual General Meeting of the Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association, to be held on Tuesday 9th April 2024, at Keyll Darree Lecture Theatre at 7.30 pm. We are delighted to announce that our PhD Student, Elisabeth Gash… READ MORE

Charity Gig for Isle of Man Anti Cancer Association

Isle of Man based, U2 tribute band ‘Vertigo’, will be performing U2’s greatest hits to raise funds for the Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association. They will be performing at the Villa Marina Promenade Suite on Saturday 1st June. Please head to to get your… READ MORE

Thank you IOM ACA Volunteers and Fundraisers!

Volunteers at our various Branches have been working tirelessly over the last 3 months of 2023 and collectively, have raised a fantastic £8067.83! We are so grateful for all the hard work and enthusiasm that goes into making sure every event is a success. Thank You… READ MORE

There’s no stopping our Fundraisers!

We’ve had a very busy time with events lately and our fantastic Volunteers and Supporters have managed to raise a wonderful £5,985! From July to September, we ran a pop-up shop, held coffee mornings, had a disco night as well as a flag day in… READ MORE

IOM ACA Cancer Awareness Ambulance: September 2023

The Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association will bring cancer awareness information to the local communities across the Island.  The Ambulance Service has once again provided us with a vehicle – the Information Ambulance will be equipped with a range of information materials, with health professionals… READ MORE

Thank you to all our wonderful Fundraisers!

Our amazing Volunteers and Supporters have continued to be busy with events and have managed to raise a staggering £7, 247.62! From April to June we ran a pop-up shop, pitched up at a car boot sale, held several coffee mornings, an afternoon tea event… READ MORE

Manx Radio: Cancer Awareness Podcasts

We have now recorded 31 podcasts covering various cancer awareness topics so if you would like to have a listen, then go to; scroll down and you will see our logo which you can click on and it will take you straight to the… READ MORE